Birthwork – a compassionate guide to being with birth
by Jenny Blyth
Excerpts | Introduction | Contents | Reviews
Birthwork is an important holistic complement to existing bodies of knowledge about caring for the birthing mother. It is for the professional and non-professional birthworker alike, detailing how we can care compassionately with both a ‘thinking mind’ and ‘feeling heart’, through:
• attunement to intuition and instinct
• effective communication
• negotiating relationship
• finding balance in times of stress
• working with labour
• honouring the mother and child
– and above all, acknowledging the power of spirit and the ultimate mystery of birth.
While Birthwork offers a wealth of practical advice, enlivened by many personal stories, it is much more than a work book. Informed always by the richness of its life affirming philosophy, it is an open invitation to loving kindness and presence.
We are left in no doubt about the significance of working with birth. How we choose to behave towards and care for the mother has a profound influence on the way she births and feels about her experience. Ultimately, how well we care affects the wellbeing of future generations of parents, children and society.
The Down to Earth Birth Book
– a practical guide to natural birth
by Jenny Blyth
The Down to Earth Birth Book is a practical guide to natural birth in any setting, promoting self-nurturing, responsibility and awareness to help create a conscious birth and parenting experience. This is a ‘grass roots’ book that celebrates the innate intelligence of mind, body and spirit in relation to birth.
Printed on recycled paper with soy-based ink, it is beautifully presented in an easy-to-read, user-friendly A4 format. Diagrams, illustrations, and over 90 colour and black and white photos accompany the text. Recommended as suitable for children.
This is a valuable resource for parents-to-be, their families, support people, and all other kinds of birthworkers. The Down to Earth Birth Book is a book to return to time and again for information on birth preparation; as an in-the-moment birth guide, and as a reference for after the birth.