More on The Big Stretch…

The Luscious Women & Babies of The Big Stretch
Included is a 20 minute DVD Extra on Baby Massage. Follow a mother’s tender communication with her baby as she lovingly teaches him about his body through massage.

Also included is the fantastic 20 page Big Stretch Booklet – to be used in conjunction with the DVD. Featuring questions and topics gleaned from The Big Stretch DVD, this booklet is designed to stimulate insight and spirited discussion about birthing options, experiences and feelings. Together, the booklet and DVD become an inspiring and valuable resource for pregnant women, their families, birth educators, and anyone supporting birthing mothers.

‘Our deepest wish is to empower women with childbearing wisdom…through sharing the experiences, creativity and authority of mothers and fathers. As a consequence, may our children grow strong of heart, always remembering totrust the innate wisdom of body, mind and spirit.’

Read Booklet Excerpt

The Big Stretch represents a new genre of birth film. It is a highly creative work, fusing interviews with expectant parents, birth footage, animation, poetry, still photos & music – to carry the viewer on an intensely uplifting and emotional journey, lasting over an hour.